Wilson, Wyoming
Design Team: Kurt Dubbe, AIA; Ben Weisbeck
JenTenn Productions created this beautiful film on the Hardeman Barn.
© Jen Tenn Productions
The Hardeman Barns, located in Wilson, Wyoming, were built in the 1940s to support Gerrit Hardeman’s successful cattle business. Today, the barns stand as a leading example of Jackson Hole’s ranching history. The property consists of six buildings, varying in size and character, as well as condition. Currently, the property is owned and operated by the Teton Raptor Center, a local non-profit advancing raptor conservation. Wyoming State Parks and Cultural Resources along with the Teton Raptor Center contracted us to assess the existing condition of the barns as well as make preservation recommendations so that the property can be appropriately preserved while accommodating various future uses.
All photographs © Richard Collier (Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office)